ESSA assists in development of indicators, metrics, and benchmarks for habitat monitoring under Canada’s Wild Salmon Policy (M. Nelitz, M. Porter, K. Wieckowski, D. Marmorek, C. Murray) (2009)
ESSA undertakes evaluation of climate change impacts to salmon and bull trout in BC’s Cariboo-Chilcotin region (M. Nelitz, M. Porter, K. Bryan, F. Poulsen, D. Carr) (2009)
ESSA undertakes evalution of instream flow needs for fish in BC’s Okanagan Basin (M. Porter, C. Alexander, D. Carr, K. Wieckowski, D. Marmorek, K. Bryan) (2009)
FWMT wins Premiers Innovation Award – 2008 ESSA developed the Fish Water Management Tools (FWMT), a decision support tool that helps water managers decide how to release water from Okanagan Lake in a manner that benefits sockeye, while still meeting many other socio-economic and ecological […]
ESSA assists in development of framework for monitoring Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds throughout BC (K. Wiecowski, M. Porter, D. Pickard, D. Marmorek) (2008)