July 3, 2015

Missouri River Adaptive Management Plan

Began working on the Missouri River Adaptive Management Plan in 2015 (EN2400 and others)   http://moriverrecovery.usace.army.mil/mrrp/f?p=136:70:0:::::
September 19, 2011

ESSA Supports the Cohen Commission Inquiry

On September 19, 2011, David Marmorek testified before the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Fraser River Sockeye about cumulative effects that may have impacted sockeye returns during the fisheries collapse of 2009, summarizing the conclusions of ESSA’s Cumulative Effects study for this inquiry.
October 3, 2009

Climate Change and Fish Populations

Lead by Marc Nelitz, ESSA began to examine the sensitivity of water temperature and stream flows to climate change with a series of related projects in BC. These included GIS-based analyses to model changes in summer stream temperatures and flow based on broad landscape features […]
September 3, 2009

ESSA 30th Anniversary

ESSA celebrated its 30th anniversary at Salt Tasting Room in Vancouver, BC
July 3, 2009

Adapting to Climate Change in Developing Countries

ESSA partnered with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) on a project for the World Bank’s Social Development Group to design and implement participatory scenario development (PSD) workshops as part of the World Bank’s Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) Study. The workshops […]