December 3, 2004

Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools Project (LANDFIRE)

LANDFIRE is National interagency project in the US producing consistent and comprehensive maps and data describing vegetation, wildland fuel, and fire regimes across the United States. As part of LANDFIRE, VDDT is used for modeling the historic range of variability in fire regimes for the […]
December 3, 2004

Adaptive Forest Management

In 2004 we were chosen by the Washington-based NCSSF (National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry) to study the factors that enable successful adaptive forest management (AM) and how these factors might vary across organizations and at different scales. We gleaned insights from each of […]
May 3, 2004

Marc Nelitz joins ESSA

Marc Nelitz joins ESSA
March 3, 2004

Philip Bailey joins ESSA

Philip Bailey joins ESSA
February 3, 2004

ESSA’s first of many projects with FNEATWG to help First Nations in BC participate meaningfully in the EA process

ESSA’s first of many projects with FNEATWG to help First Nations in BC participate meaningfully in the EA process towards protection of valued environmental and socio-cultural components of their traditional territories